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Truck Parts Pricing
Installed pricing is for new trucks only.
Pricing may be higher for used trucks, depending upon the labor needed to refurbish the used vehicle. All pricing is subject to change at any time.
Call for current prices for your model vehicle.
Stainless Steel Wheel Covers
22.5 x 19.5 MT45 Freightliner ------------ 540.00
22.5 IH 4300 -------------------------------- 810.00Air Conditioning
15,000 BTU Roof Top A.C. with Heating Unit,
Low Profile -------------------------------- $2,500.00
13,500 BTU Roof Top A.C.
with A.C. Only ------------------------- 1,800.00
Onan Quiet Diesel Commercial 8.0,
Complete ------------------------------------ 12,500.00Truck Parts
Fantastic Power Roof Vent ---------------- $395.00
Fantastic Vent Cover ------------------------ 53.75
Non-Powered Roof Vent ------------------- 60.00
Non-Powered Roof Vent Cover ----------- 28.00
Back-Up Alarm – High Output ------------ 58.00
Wheel Chock --------------------------------- 30.00
Triangle Kit ----------------------------------- 28.00
5 lb. Fire Extinguisher ----------------------- 72.00
Complete Electric Panel with Gauges ----1,100.00
Electric Panel Breakers ---------------------- 35.00
80 amp 12 Volt Breakers -------------------- 75.00
150 amp 12 Volt Breakers ------------------ 75.00
Door Handles - Side Door Outside ------- 78.00
Side Door Inside --------- 78.00
Rear Door Outside ------- 78.00
Dead Bolt Lock, Not Yale ----------------- 58.00
6” Speakers Set ------------------------------ 85.00
AM/FM CD Players ------------------------- 225.00
Alarm System with 2 Radar Sensors ----- 295.00
Alarm Siren Only --------------------------- 40.00
Back-Up TV Monitor, Color -------------- 675.00
DVD 17” Flip Down Monitor ------------ 720.00
90 amp Charger Converter ---------------- 375.00
500 amp Charging Solenoid -------------- 130.00
Rubber Pistol Grip Liftgate Control ----- 215.00
4-pin Liftgate, Plug on Body ------------- 30.00
4-pin Liftgate, Plug on Control ---------- 28.00
Manual Steps ------------------------------- 95.00
Manual Step with Bracket ---------------- 300.00
Interior Parts
Heavy Duty Drawer Finger Latch ---------- 12.00
22” Drawer Slides, 150 lbs. ----------------- 75.00
Single Catalog Rack -------------------------- 85.00
Double Catalog Rack ------------------------- 150.00
Triple Catalog Rack -------------------------- 185.00
Air Tool Display, 12 hole ------------------- 300.00
Knife Display, 24” x 24” -------------------- 400.00
Galvanized E-Track in 10 ft. lengths ------ 56.00
E-Track Straps -------------------------------- 28.00
48” Roll Around Cart ------------------------ 1,400.00
Printer Shelf ---------------------------------- 300.00
5000 lb. Floor Rings with Mount ---------- 35.00
¼” Lionite Pegboard ------------------------ 85.00
South Co. 3/4” Drawer Locks ------------- 20.00Heating System
Espar Diesel Furnace with complete Install Kit,
EP-4 -------------------------------------- $2,800.00
Red Dot 49,000 BTU Water Heater ----- 1,100.00
2 Speed 33,000 BTU Water Heater ------ 650.00
19,000 BTU Propane Furnace ------------ 1,500.00
35,000 BTU Propane Furnace ------------ 2,000.00
Propane Regulator Kit & Hose ---------- 175.00
40” Propane Tank -------------------------- 1,400.00Other Options, Installed
Central Vacuum System with
All Attachments -------------------- $ 1,300.00
12 Volt Security Recorder w/2 Cameras & Monitor
& Cell Phone Access ----------------------- 3,200.00LED Lights
See Pricing Guide
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Hi. I'm Dave Leslie, owner of DNJ Truck Upfitting.
You won't get a better truck or find better people to work with. Expect great service, competitive prices, quality craftsmanship, and a fair deal.
Contact me today. I'll look forward to hearing from you.